[effect/효과음] 빈티지 기차 열차 효과음 FLAC 파일 다운로드 무료나눔 11~20


Vintage Train Sound Effects
영화에서 들어볼법한 빈티지한 노이즈가 느껴지는 열차 효과음



11-20 다운받으러가기


  • 11 Diesel Rail Car Idling [Hollywood Edge] 00:50
  • 12 Diesel Train Idling with Nice Valve Air Noise [Hollywood Edge] 00:57
  • 13 Interior Diesel Train Ambience with Constant Metal Squeaks and Rattle. [Hollywood Edge] 02:49
  • 14 Interior Diesel Train Ambience with Heavy Rattle [Hollywood Edge] 01:03
  • 15 Interior Diesel Train Ambience with Rattle and Rail Rumble [Hollywood Edge] 02:07
  • 16 Interior Diesel Train Traveling at a Fast Pace [Hollywood Edge] 01:23
  • 17 Train Carriage Door Opens and Closes [Hollywood Edge] 00:15
  • 18 Steam Train Starts and Slowly Builds up Speed [Hollywood Edge] 01:40
  • 19 Steam Train Whistles and Pulls Away, Recorded from Foot Plate [Hollywood Edge] 00:49
  • 20 Steam Train Starts and Pulls Away with Whistle, Building up to a Constant Speed [Hollywood Edge] 01:52


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